Session Information & Guidelines


Although I do the best to relay information from your higher self, guides, any being that is here to help you I am not a fortune teller. I will hear, feel, know, see or sense information during a session – for example: if I receive “Texas” and you desire to know if you should be moving or have already decided and would like to know if you’re making the right decision I will clarify for you what is coming through. There are times however when I will not receive the information you are looking for or deliver messages that may not completely make sense but will at a later time. The higher self and guides always have your best intentions at heart and want to help you understand where you are, where you would like to be, or where you are going along your journey.

To clarify:

  • An answer/information will come through that you are meant to know.
  • Answer/Information will not come through as you are not meant to know at this time.

Trust that your higher self has the best intentions at hand for you to live, love and laugh along this human experience. We are meant to be the best that we are able to in our life. This journey on Earth is about self-development. We are also meant to experience our hearts desire and live the highest and finest vibrations. Blessed Journey’s ~


Be open: (especially if it’s your first session). It’s best to be as open as possible. This allows the energy to flow and connect directly to  source and allows the messages being conveyed to be as accurate as possible.

Like the saying goes: The Universe can only work for you if you allow it to work through you.

Expect the un-expected: the less you expect, the better your session. Not having expectations also allows you to really hear what the messages are saying.

Have 3-5 questions at hand: Some or all of the questions may be answered within the first part of the session. If there are any unanswered questions we will open for them afterward. You may find that many of the unanswered questions will fall into place whether or not they get answered directly.

I HEAR/FEEL messages: I am a clairaudient/clairsentient (I hear & feel). When I receive information I combine hearing and feeling the messages/energies. This is how I understand what you’re experiencing and what you are going through or what the other side wants you to know to help and guide you.

First Messages: The most important information/messages will be relayed in the first part of your session. Then we will open for unanswered questions.

A session is like a puzzle: it will all come together in the end. It’s amazing! Quite pleasantly surprising! There may be a few things that might not make sense today (even though it will feel familiar and you will understand) however, hindsight is 20/20 and you will see the results down the road!

Hold it back: The less I know before the session, the more accurate and clear the information/messages will be (this allows the EGO to keep from guessing and confusing the information/messages coming through).

Messenger/interpreter: I not only become your messenger but your interpreter (consultant). I have been given permission to experience your life (or your deceased loved one’s) during the session, however I am NOT you and will need your confirmation /validation from time to time, thus allowing the session to flow.

The session is about you and for you: please don’t worry about my authenticity, it will hinder the session and keep you from being as open as possible. If in turn you find you are not satisfied with the validity you may end the session within the first 10 minutes and no charge will be given. However, I believe you will find the session pleasantly surprising! I am still amazed at how it works after all these years!

Recording: All sessions are recorded for your convenience. An mp3 file will be emailed to you. Also, my suggestion is to regard your session sacred. One that only you and your soul truly understands and desires to help on your journey in life. When sharing a recording of your session with others it distorts and dissolves the value of the energy meant to create the shift for you; in many cases through others judgment, opinions, personal thoughts and unwanted energies they may be sent your way, consciously or unconsciously. However, if you still desire to share with others that you trust please consider it carefully.

Note taking: Please be lite on taking notes. The more you focus on your messages in it’s moment of delivery the more valuable the energies at work, consciously and unconsciously and therefore helping in shifting what your soul desires in your life. A recording will be made for your convenience and for your review.

Last but not least:

“They”: When I mention “they”, I will be referring to our group of guidance: Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, the Universe, higher self (the Einstein connection), GOD (you get the drift). All the entities desiring the highest finest vibrations and light for you and to help guide you on your enlightened path!



  1. When I ask questions please say either: “yes, no or I don’t know”- don’t feed me.
  2. During a session I will be able to connect and experience your energies (this is what allows me to know you so well) however I am not you and I will need to clarify if you understand the information/messages they are relaying. I will ask, “Does this make sense or do you understand?” and then I will move on to the next message.

Enjoy your reading!


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I always stay focused with clear intention on serving you the client to the best of my abilities. My sessions are for self empowerment, enjoyment, validations of feelings and intuitive hunches, as well as new information. Accessing Universal energies, I tap into higher potentialities and send them to you with love for healing. The rest is up to you; the choice is yours to make the changes desired in your life. True healing comes from within.


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